Our windbreak netting is a great value and popular windbreak made from HDPE Monofilament with UV additive for longer life. Monofilament netting gives greater strength for windbreak and demanding applications due to the round section threads. It can provide immediate wind and shade protection to plants, crops in greenhouse and gardens from sun, wind, rain, drifting snow and even heavy hail damage. It also can be used as a debris net or scaffolding netting in the building site.
Knitted wind break netting has another important application - to solve the problem of containment of dust in arid environments, such as mining, demolition, port areas, deposits of raw materials, industrial areas, drastically reduces the emission of dust from areas surrounded and contain within them.
Our knitted windbreak screening provide 35% - 75% wind reduction, which means it provide 35% - 75% wind reduction for a distance of 12 times the windbreak fence height.

Why you should buy windbreak net at IRI Factory Vina?
On the market, there are many reputable and quality manufacturers and distributors of windbreak net. Iri Factory Vina is one of the leading netting factory and trusted by many businesses.Our windbreak nets are trusted by many countries such as Korea, Japan, Canada,...
Above is all information about windbreak net. Hope you can find some interested in our products. For any further information, you can visit:
Our website: www.irifactory.com
Tel: +84 868 484 548
Email: sale2@irifactory.com